How to change MX records in cPanel?

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What are MX Records?

MX records, short for Mail Exchange records, are DNS (Domain Name System) records that specify the mail servers responsible for receiving email messages for a specific domain. They play a crucial role in directing email traffic and ensuring that messages are delivered to the correct email servers.

When someone sends an email to an address associated with a particular domain (e.g., [email protected]), the sending mail server queries the DNS system to determine the correct destination for delivering the email. The MX records for that domain provide the necessary information about which mail servers should receive the incoming messages

To change MX records in cPanel, you can follow these steps:

  1. First, log in to your cPanel account. Most of the time, you can do this by typing “/cpanel” or “:2083” after your domain name in the search bar of your web browser. Try “” or “” if your domain is “”
  2. Once you get to the cPanel login page, you can log in by entering your username and password.
  3. When you successfully log in, the cPanel desktop will be shown to you. On the dashboard, look for the “Email” part or use the search bar at the top to look for “MX Entry.”
  4. Click the “MX Entry” icon or link. This will bring you to the MX Entry interface, where you can handle your MX records.
  5. In the MX Entry interface, you can see a list of all of your names’ MX records. Find the name whose MX records you’d like to change. If you have more than one name, you may need to use a dropdown menu to choose the one you want.
  6. Find the record you want to change in the list and click the “Edit” button next to it. Scroll down to the “Add New Record” part if you want to add a new MX record.
  7. In the “Edit MX Entry” or “Add MX Entry” area, you’ll find two main fields to fill in:
    • Priority: This field tells the computer what order to call the mail services in. The first server to be called is the one with the lowest priority number. You can put a number like 0, 10, 20, etc. Lower numbers mean more important.
    • Destination: This is where you put the mail server address or domain name where you want your emails to go. o……… The. Fill out these forms with the right information based on what you need.
  8. Once you’ve entered the priority and location, you can save your changes by clicking the “Save” or “Add” button.
  9. After you save the changes, it’s important to remember that the new MX records won’t work until DNS propagation is done. The process of spreading new information across the Internet is called DNS propagation. Most of the time, the changes take a few hours to spread, but sometimes it can take up to 24–48 hours. During this time, both the old MX records and the new ones may get mail, so it’s best not to delete the old records right away.

That’s it! You have now successfully changed the MX records for your domain using cPanel. Remember to allow some time for the changes to propagate, and make sure to test your email functionality to ensure it’s working as expected.