What is ELK Stack ?

Are you happy with your current hosting provider ?

Mind telling me you’ve ever thought about using a distributed log management system

It’s possible that most of your workdays were spent dealing with cloud-based application logs.

With the help of microservices and cloud technologies, we’ve been able to overcome a wide range of previously intractable issues.

A wide range of factors affect these distributed systems, including the work of different maintenance teams, different software, and so on.

All transactions and system activities, therefore, must be thoroughly examined to ensure that the system runs smoothly.

Then we can figure out if anything is wrong with the systems or applications or if anything is out of the ordinary.

Because the microservices don’t share a common database or log files, it’s difficult for them to communicate with each other

Large distributed systems are bound to have a wide range of log sizes and locations.

Virtual machines running in the cloud may also perform differently depending on the specific loads, environment, and the number of users currently logged in.

Problems with reliability and node failures could arise.

What are the best practises for analysing all of the transactions that took place in a distributed system, especially when using distributed debugging techniques like viewing logs of full transactions distributed across multiple services?

A good example of a distributed log management solution is Elastic Stack.

Log management platforms can process operating system logs, NGINX, IIS server logs for web traffic analysis, application logs, and Amazon Web Services (AWS) logs in addition to monitoring the aforementioned issues (Amazon web services).

Log management tools like the ELK Stack will help DevOps engineers, system administrators, and even software engineers solve problems and make business decisions more easily.

ELK Stack and its components will be introduced and compared to other distributed log management products in this blog post.

All three open-source products that make up the ELK suite are developed, maintained, and managed by Elastic, the company behind ELK.

The elastic stack’s beating heart is ElasticSearch, which is abbreviated “E“.

The “L” LogStash is a server-side data pipeline that collects and processes information from a variety of sources before delivering the results to your “stash.”

The elastic stack’s “window” is called Kibana and its “K“.

Web-based Elasticsearch data visualisation and navigation tool hosted on Nginx or Apache.

ELK Stack has been renamed Elastic Stack as a result of the addition of Beats, which collects data.

Users can search, analyse, and visualise data from any source and in any format in real time using ELK Stack.

Problems with servers or applications can be tracked down with the help of centralised logging such as ELK’s.

In one place, you’ll find all of your logs.

It is possible to identify problems that affect multiple servers by linking the logs of those servers at a specific time.

What is Elasticsearch?

Elasticsearch serves as the search engine for this no-relational database.

This RESTful search engine is a good fit if you’re looking for a solution that can be used on multiple platforms.

Further investigation can be carried out with the help of advanced queries.

Structured, unstructured and geometric data can all be searched.

For modern web and mobile applications, elasticsearch is being used because of its power..

Along with the standard search options, there are a slew of advanced options as well.

Main features of Elastic search:

  1. The indexing of heterogeneous data.
  2. In order to communicate with the service, we make use of JSON and RESTful APIs.
  3. Searching the entire document is the third option.
  4. Providing near-real-time search results for the user (NRT).

Sharding, replication and searchability of JSON documents.

  1. REST and JSON document store distributed across the web.
  2. No matter how large your cluster grows, Elasticsearch’s query performance remains the same regardless of the number of nodes you have.
  3. There are numerous programming languages and libraries that can be used to access Elastic Search.

In addition, the elastic community has made a number of contributions.

  1. Powerful tools such as security and monitoring are all included in this package, as well as graphing and machine learning analysis.

Advantages of Elasticsearch:

  1. Schemaless data can be stored but can also be mapped to a specific schema.

2. It is possible to perform complex operations on your data one record at a time using APIs for manipulating multiple documents at the same time.

3. Filter and query your data to get a better understanding of what you have.

4. Apache Lucene-based RESTful API.

5. Vertical scalability and multi-tenant capability help to expedite the search process.

6. This tool makes it simpler to resize images both horizontally and vertically.

Using HelptoInstall’s Elasticsearch Installation Service, this software can be installed in a matter of minutes.

You can always count on the assistance of subject matter experts.

What is Logstash?

Using Logstash, you can collect data.

Elasticsearch receives data from a variety of sources thanks to it.

Gathers and makes available data from a variety of sources for future use.

Data from a variety of sources can be brought together and transformed using Logstash, which can be used in a variety of ways.

All of your data can be cleansed and democratised for use case analysis and visualisation.

Main features of Logstash:

Many different data sources, such as web application logs and AWS metrics, are fed into the system, allowing it to gather events from many different places at once.

In order to create a structure, Logstash filters parse each event, identify named fields, and then transform them using an internal queue to bring them all together in a common format for easier analysis and business value.

Unstructured data can be turned into structured data with grok.

Geolocation can be determined by looking up a computer’s IP address.

  1. Remove all personally identifiable information (PII) fields that contain any kind of sensitive information and anonymize the data completely.

2. Facilitate processing in general, irrespective of the data’s origin, format, or underlying schema.

#Data can be routed to various destinations thanks to a wide range of outputs.

3. There are more than a hundred plug-ins to choose from.

  1. Logstash ensures that at least one of your in-flight events will be delivered at least once in the event of a Logstash node failure.

5. When an event fails, it can be routed to a dead letter queue for further analysis and replay.

6. With its ability to absorb throughput, Logstash is able to handle spikes without the use of an external queueing layer.

7. You can easily monitor and study an active Logstash node or full deployment with monitoring and pipeline viewer features.

8. Management of deployments can be done from the Pipeline Management UI.

What is Kibana?

Kibana, a data visualisation tool, completes the ELK stack.

System administrators and developers who are interested in learning more about logs and how the system works will find this useful.

On this dashboard, developers can visualise complex queries using dev tools by using interactive diagrams and geospatial data.

You can use this app to find things in Elasticsearch directories, browse them, and interact with them.

You can create tables, charts, and maps of your data with Kibana for advanced data analysis.

Using Kibana, you can perform a wide range of searches on your data.

Main Features of Kibana

  1. Histograms, line charts, pie graphs, sunbursts, and a slew of other graphics can be found on the dashboard.

2. Vega grammar allows you to create your own visualisations.

3. These graphs make it simple to make changes that fit your specific needs and requirements.

4. Real-time searching of indexed data is possible.

5. Elasticsearch stores data that can be accessed, viewed, and interacted with in various ways.

6. Charts and tables, as well as maps and graphs, can be used to present data.

7. This dashboard makes it possible to slice and dice Logstash logs in Elasticsearch.

8. Graphs and charts can be used to display historical data.

9. Elastic Maps Service can be used to display geospatial data on any map.

10. For advanced time series analysis on Elasticsearch data, use time series UIs that have been curated.

11. There are many uses for expressions in relational database management.

12. In Elasticsearch, graph exploration is a powerful tool for discovering relationships that are not immediately apparent.

13. It’s possible to find anomalies in your Elasticsearch data using unsupervised machine learning features, and then look into the properties that influence those anomalies.

14. The dashboard can be updated using Canvas.

15. Add logos, colours, and other design elements to it.

16. Canvas also includes support for SQL.

17. The dashboard can be securely shared by embedding it, sharing a link, or exporting it to PDF or CSV files and sending them as attachments.

18. Your dashboards and visualisations can be more collaborative if they are organised in Kibana spaces.

For example, a user’s role in a system can be used to grant them access to certain parts of the system.
It can be used with apps and user interfaces.
The Elastic Stack’s developer tools are an essential resource for developers.

Advantages and Disadvantages ELK Stack


  1. Logs from a variety of enterprise applications can be combined in a single ELK instance for optimal performance.

2. Additionally, it eliminates the need to log into hundreds of log data sources, thereby providing a wealth of information for this one instance alone

3. Installing on-site in a matter of minutes

4. It’s easy to get started.

5. Adjustable in both directions, vertically and horizontally.

6. Elastic offers a number of Ruby language clients.

7. Python.
You can choose from any of these and many more.

8. There are libraries available for a wide range of programming and scripting languages.


  1. Iterations of a single idea

2. Stack management can be difficult in more complicated setups.

3. Experimentation is the only way to truly learn something new.

4. Doing more will lead to discovering new things.

Installing Elasticsearch software is easy when you use HelptoInstall‘s low-cost Elastic search Installation Service is being provided around the clock by our team of experts.