Flask Installation Process

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Python Version

We recommend that you use the most updated incarnation of Python.
Flask is functional with Python 3.6 and newer.

Contextvars are required for async support in Flask, which requires Python 3.7 or later.


  1. During the setup of Flask, these distributions will be downloaded and installed automatically.
  2. Werkzeug is a Python library that implements WSGI, the standard Python interface between clients and servers.
  3. It is a template language that is used to render the pages that your application provides.
  4. Jinja is included with MarkupSafe.
  5. It safeguards against injection attacks by escaping untrusted input when rendering templates.

Optional Dependencies

Installation of these distributions will not be performed automatically.
If you install them, Flask will automatically discover and use them.

  1. Signals are supported by the Blinker plugin.
  2. Python-dotenv adds support for Environment Variables to the Python programming language. When running flask commands, dotenv should be used.
  3. Watchdog is a reloader for the development server that is faster and more efficient than previous versions.

Virtual Environments

To control the dependencies for your project, both in development and in production, make use of a virtualized environment.

Exactly what sort difficulty does a virtual environment assist you with?
You are more likely to need to deal with multiple versions of Python libraries, or even different versions of Python itself, the greater the number of Python projects that you have.
Newer versions of libraries for one project might cause incompatibility with older versions of libraries for another project.

Virtual environments are groupings of Python libraries that are independent of one another and are established for each project.
Packages installed for one project will not have an influence on other projects or the operating system’s package management.

The venv module, which enables you to build virtual environments, is included with Python.

Create an environment

Develop a project folder and a venv folder at the following path:


$ mkdir myproject
$ cd myproject
$ python3 -m venv venv


> mkdir myproject
> cd myproject
> py -3 -m venv venv

Activate the environment

Create the following environments prior to beginning work on your project: 


$ . venv/bin/activate


> venv\Scripts\activate

The name of the enabled environment will be shown in the shell prompt when this happens. 

Install Flask

In order to install Flask within the activated environment, execute the following command: 

$ pip install Flask

Flask has indeed been successfully installed. 

HelptoInstall offers Flask Installation Service at a low cost. Our Experts are available 24/7.